Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Day

Much is the same today. Sawyer is still fighting the infection with little ground being gained. The Neonatologist seems to have stepped up the intervention, and he has so many drugs being pumped through his little system. He shows some small signs of improvement, but these are many times followed by some bad news about something else. It is a wait and see thing. The next 24 hours are going to tell us a lot.

Zoe graduated to the next size diapers and pillow, used to support her when she sleeps on her tummy. Small gains, but we will take what we can get at this point. She is continuing to do well.

We will continue to post. Think good thoughts.


Unknown said...

Thank you for keeping us updated on Sawyer and Zoe. We think of them (and you) all of the time. So many ups and downs for so few days. It seems like you guys are taking it in the best way you can day by day - moment to moment. We love you! Deborah and Justin

Tom said...

Margo & Neil,

We're thinking of you and your two little warriors. And sending as many good vibes as we can generate your way. You'll get great care at Swedish. Our neice had premature twins there about seven years ago and the care was fantastic. Hope to see you and the little ones soon.

Tom & Kay

Hilkka & Bruce said...

Neil and Margo- In reading your updates, I can't help but think how amazing and precious life is. Zoe and Sawyer are so lucky to have you as parents, it sounds like you are doing everything that you can for them. I hope that your love for each other grows, as you both love and support your little ones. We are sending Zoe lots of girl grow power, and Sawyer lots of special healing power. We love you, Hilkka, Bruce, Finley and baby girl

Anonymous said...

Hey Neil and Margo,

We'll keep our fingers crossed and keep thinking positive thoughts. I am so glad to hear the good news about Zoe's progress. I haven't called because I don't want to be an additional bother in an already busy day but if you need someone to talk to or anything else don't hesitate to call. We love you so much and are thinking about you all the time.

Love Dan and Lorie

Mary Ann Odegaard said...

Hi Margo and Neal:

My routine is to get up each morning and check the blog so I don't drive your Mom crazy with happy to hear that Zoe is doing well! Sawyer is apparently a good little you know we are all prying and thinking good thoughts.

When my former husband was in Swedish I remember that we could order food at any time day or night and that it was pretty good. Hope you are taking advantage of all the services you can get to take care of yourselves.

Fondly, Mary Ann O.

Tante Janet said...

LOVE YOU HUGELY, you four!

Courtney said...

Hi Young Family - we love you and are sending all good thoughts your way. Thank you for keeping us up to date on your kiddos. They are champs. Love, Courtney & Paul

Derr's said...

Margo & Neil,

All of you are in our prayers. Call if you need anything. Love, Becki, Jeff and Madelyn

Pam Montgomery said...

We're with you all in spirit. What strength you have, Margo and Neil. You have our love every minute. Please blow kisses to the babes. Uncle Pat and Pam

Unknown said...

Neil & are constantly in our thoughts. We have all been glued to this blog, thank you for keeping us all updated. We love you! We hope to see you all soon!
Tio Jay, Tia Sylvia & Primo Gabe

Pam Montgomery said...

We woke up with you in our thoughts again . . . love coming your way. Uncle Pat and Pam

Laura Schiff said...

we love you guys and continue to wish you the best. Big hugs to the four of you! Thank you for the updates, it helps us since you remain in our thoughts daily. Take care guys.

Love Aaron and Laura

Adam said...

I'll echo the chorus of thank yous for keeping us all updated. I'm still thinking about the four of you all the time and am awed by your strength . Continuing to send love and healing,

Morgan said...

I'm here too sending the love for you and your little ones. Thank you for keeping us updated.

marymt said...

Hey Margo and Neil,
Thank you for the updates on your precious little ones. I'm sorry this has been so difficult for you, but keep pulling through! Much love and prayers heading in your direction to give you both strength and encouragement and for Zoe and Sawyer to continue to grow stronger and healthier!

Love Mary and Luke

anna bee said...

Margo & Neil,
I'm thinking of the four of you today and wishing all the best for you. Thank you for the updates - please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Anonymous said...

Hey Neil and Margo-
Appreciate your specific updates.
Thank you for taking the time to keep us all informed. Sounds like you are holding together as best you can. It is good to hear that Zoe seems to be plugging along positively. Sawyer seems like a tough little fellow.
Our prayers continue.
Lots of love-
Jon and Chris