Friday, April 25, 2008


It is so much more fun to go to the hospital when your baby is doing well. Zoe has officially gotten rid of that nasty infection. It was a tough one, but not tougher than our Little Gorilla. She is feeling so much better. She has great energy and has even managed to put on some serious weight, gaining 70 grams last night to put her at 1,040 grams or 2 lbs. 5 oz. The next big hurdle is to reintroduce her to breast milk (which they started again last night) and get her to 1,200 grams. The docs say that that magic number seems to be a turning point with the smallest babies- we are excited to get there.

It has been a stressful 10 days with Zoe being sick and we are thankful to be on this side of it. Another hurdle down. Zoe wanted me to tell you all that she really appreciated the positive wishes and prayers. She realizes she gave us all a little bit of a scare and will try to avoid that in the future.


Mark Fuller said...

Nice job Zoe! Start packin' those pounds! Still tons of thoughts coming from tons of people here in Wyoming! See you in May.
Love, Mark

Elise said...

Yay, Zoe! Keep it up, girl. I know - it's hard to find the motivation when it's snowing in April...

Unknown said...

great work lil gorilla :)
I can't wait to meet you. keep makin' your parents proud. you are wonderful!

Celia said...

So proud of you, little gorilla! You are a tough little girl, just like your parents! Keep up the good work, we can't wait to meet you!
Love, Celia

Christina said...

Yahoo! That is terrific news! She is one tough little girl. Keep packing on the weight Zoe!!
Thinking of you all,
Scott and Christina Russell and Family

Hope said...

Yay for Zoe! I'm so impressed.

Pam Montgomery said...

It's so exciting -- we're happy and grateful -- and full of love for you all. Zoe -- chow down! Uncle Pat and Pam

Anonymous said...

I've just got to let you know that I started crying some more of those good happy tears when I read the last two entries. Teya was sitting there on my lap and that can make me cry happy tears in itself and then I thought about you two smiling at Zoe in the hospital because the doctors just gave you some good news and then I thought about how your great-big-light-up-a-room smiles had probably been somewhat less ubiquitous lately and it made me cry even more to think about you guys being so happy. Because if you guys are as happy as I am then you guys have to be floating on air, and that was enough to make my face hurt from the gargantuan smile that I have on my face right now as I write this. I love you guys.

Megan said...

We are so glad to hear the good news! Keep up the good work Zoe!
Love, Megan and Jason

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Zoe :-)
Keep on giving us all such great news.

trampoline said...

wonderful news! keep up the work lil' zoe!


Pam Montgomery said...

The sun is shining in Colorado and Spring is finally arriving -- the season for fresh new growth. We send wishes for sunshine in Zoe's heart and growth for her body. With love, Uncle Pat and Pam

Courtney said...

Thank you for sharing the good news. We continue to send love and positive thoughts your way - now with the power of four!
Courtney, Paul, Scout & Baby Owen

Maureen Dunn said...

What fantastic news! Zoe is one tough little baby, you two must be so proud. Thanks for keeping everyone posted.