Thursday, April 17, 2008


We were procrastinating updating the blog so that we could give everyone some good news, but unfortunately we don't have much of it to report. On Monday, Zoe was really struggling on her breathing and had some significant events where the doctors had to bag her to make sure she was still getting enough oxygen. They decided she needed to go back on the ventilator to get the 2-week "tune-up" that babies this size often need. We were obviously disappointed, but they had warned us all along that this was likely to happen. We just thought our baby would be the exception.

The reintubation did not go as well as they would have liked. Her windpipe was swollen and they struggled to get the tube into her lungs. She made it through that, but Tuesday started showing signs that something else might be going on.

They now think she has an infection somewhere and started her on antibiotics yesterday. Like Sawyer, her blood cultures have come back negative. It makes it harder to fight an infection when they don't actually know what type it is. They had to stop her feeds on Monday night and they won't be able to restart them until she is well.

The doctors assure us that this is a common problem for babies this size, but we can't help but see the similarities between this and what Sawyer experienced. We are in the waiting game again, waiting for the antibiotics to work and for her to stabilize. It is hard to see her going through this. She has always been so feisty and alert and now she is very lethargic.

Sorry for the bad news, but we want to keep everyone informed. We hope she starts to improve, and we will keep everyone up to date. We know she is strong, and we are trying to stay optimistic.


anna bee said...

Dear Margo and Neil,
I am so sorry to hear that Zoe is struggling. I'm thinking of you during these difficult times and sending all my best thoughts to your little fighter.

trampoline said...

Margo and Neil.

Thank you for the continued updates. These are very trying times and you both are amazingly strong. I have faith that little Zoe has inherited the same strength.


Hope said...

I'm pulling for you, Zoe.

Life in the Kerlee Household said...

Margo and Neil-

I found your blog through a friends (Ally Boon) friend, Mindy Norris. I am a mother of a 27 week boy who is now 19 months. I want you to know that you can email me anytime or call if you want to chat or ask questions of another preemie parent. I found talking with other preemie moms/dads who have experienced this rollarcoaster more relieving. That support is nothing a doctor can give you.

I don't know if the doctors explained to you the "honeymoon" phase to you. From reviewing your prior posts, it seems that Zoe has thrived and done well with some set backs. My son did the same. He was intubated for a few days, on CPAP and then started struggling and had to be bagged and they went back to the vent again. The saying in the NICU that I said was "two steps forward...three steps back."

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss of Sawyer. I know that he is looking over his little sister and rooting hard for her. She's a fighter! Little preemie girls generally seem to do better than preemie boys as well.

This journey you face in while in the NICU is nothing anyone can ever imagine. Keep your head up, stay strong, and know that you've got MANY people praying for Zoe and your family.

Again, if you would like to email anytime, please feel free to do so. My email is You can also click on my hyperlink site name to check back in August 2006 of our days in the NICU. Take Care


Pam Montgomery said...

Ah, Margo and Neil -- what to say? We keep you and Zoe uppermost in our minds and hearts each day. We pray that Zoe's little body will respond quickly to the drugs and that her heart will feel the strength of her parents, family and friends. Hang on to the love that surrounds you all. Uncle Pat and Pam

dogsblog said...

Margo and Neil,

I am sending all of my positive energy your way tonight. Your little girl is strong, and I pray she will get through this.
