Thursday, April 17, 2008

Three Weeks

After a torturous day of waiting, we are happy to report that Zoe seems to be turning the corner on the infection. She still has a long way to go to get back to being herself, but we feel hopeful that she is recovering.

We went to the hospital this evening to check on her and she looked so much better to us. Her swelling was down, she was more active, she opened her eyes to look at us, and her vital signs were better. This was a dramatic improvement from this morning and from our last update.

She still has a long way to go to make up for the time lost to this sickness, but she is incredibly strong and we have to believe that she will continue to do well. As they say in the NICU, it's one step forward, three steps back. We are just beginning to understand what this means.

Oh, by the way, she passed the 2 pound mark and is weighing in at 2 lbs. 2 oz.


rowantufts said...

Good job Zoe! We're so happy to hear about her improvements. Keep fighting the fight Little Cousin! Love, Hallie, Chris, Doug

Gregg&Marcia said...

Neil and Margo,
Marcia and I read the previous blog and were a blurry eyed with tears for Zoe. We are so happy that you had another entry. I am even going to wake Marcia to tell her about the improvement. Keep it up Zoe and congratulations on breaking he 2 lb barrier. You go girl!
Gregg & Marcia

Mary Ann Odegaard said...

Just returned home from class, etc. So happy to hear the good news - you must be getting whiplash from the ups and downs....we are on tenterhooks with you!

Mary Ann O.

Charlotte said...

Go Zoe Go!

Courtney said...

Way to go Zoe! Keep up the good work, kiddo.

Courtney, Paul & Scout

Morgan said...

Way to go Zoe! Keep it up girl! We all love you.

Hope said...

Yeah Zoe! They always say the bantamweights are the toughest fighters.
Hope & Stephen

Unknown said...

Thinking of you all!

Mike_Barbara said...

Thank you so much for the update on Zoe. I hope you can feel all the prayers being said for this little girl and for you.
Love, Mike & Barbara

Michelle said...

Oh, what a relief!! Way to go Zoe! Now, get strong again and stay healthy!

Mike & Tami said...

Neil & Margo,

We're so glad that you have good news about Zoe. She really is a fighter.

Keep up the fight Zoe. We can't wait to meet you!

Our thougts and prayers are with all of you.

~Mike & Tami

Tante Janet said...

With every scare I race to the garden store, buy more pansies and add them to my garden as propitiation to the gods. It is getting crowded but I will continue my primitive ritual as long as necessary. Hurrah for you 3 wonderful and brave souls! love you much!

Ehlerts said...

Stay strong Zoe, We're pulling for you.
Sandy, Ben and Camilla

Pam Montgomery said...

Hooray, Zoe!!!! Big smiles on the Colorado faces. Much love and strength flying over the Rockies to you all. Uncle Pat and Pam

Anonymous said...

After reading he first blog, my heart just fell.
After reading the second blog, my heart lifted again.
You two are wonderful to keep us all informed no matter what you are going through.
Zoe, you keep getting stronger and congratulations on being over 2lbs.
Lots of love to the three of you.
Jon and Chris

Jen O said...

While I know that we only met for a short time, I feel we shared some moments together. I am so touched by your experiences. Someone you hardly know, barely met has been thinking of you and those that you are trying to desperately caring for. You are strong and an inspiration...but that little Zoe...she is the inspiration to us all. Here are the crossed fingers and out loud prayers from Chicago.
Jennifer O., EPA Chicago

Anonymous said...

Dear Margo and Neil,
All of us at PEHSU have been thinking of you, talking and voicing our hopes and affection for you these past weeks. I have read your blog several times through. I am so sad for your loss, and for your rough times, but moved and lifted by your writings. I think you are both wonderful. My best wishes, thoughts and heart are with you. And Margo we look forward to seeing you again. Sincerely, Rebecca Birdsong

Collin, Rebecca, Ursa, Amelia, Dominic and Baby Bonaface said...

Margo and Neil,
We have just learned of Sawyer's passing and are so sorry for your loss. We hope that he is with you dad, Margo, helping to strengthen you from heaven. And we are so happy to hear of Zoe's perseverence! We'll continue to pray for your dear sweet girl and send our love to you and your family.
Much love,
Becca and Collin (Ursa, Amelia and Dominic too!)

Abby Wojcikiewicz said...

Go Zoe! We all love you!


Abby, Steve, and Maria Lucia

Anonymous said...

Neil and Margo,

We are so happy to hear the good news about Zoe. She is truly a tuf(ts), young girl (Dan made me do it). We love you all and are thinking about you constantly. Irelyn sends big kisses to Zoe. Love, The Lochridges

Ric Cochrane said...

Hey, Zoe.
Two pounds and two ounces -- keep packing it on, girl. I love you and your folks and am sending so much energy across the pond from India.
Keep fighting!
Uncle Ric

peggystern said...

Hi Margo and Neil. It's so cool to read your postings, and see all the love and concern and good energy you are getting, from all over!I add my mojo and best wishes to that, and all my love,
Peggy, in New York

lindsey said...

Lindsey and I have been praying for you all! We are hoping for 3 steps forward and zero steps back.

Jeremy & Lindsey