Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 12

Things have been a little quiet around here - Neil and I are just getting used to our routine. The babies are still doing well. They're eating really well and pretty soon will almost be up to their full feeds. They introduce food slowly so it doesn't overwhelm their systems too much. They are both getting EKGs tonight because they tend to run pretty high heart rates. The doctors haven't seemed too concerned about it so far, but we're glad they are looking into it. They were pretty high in utero too so it may just be them. Who knows.

We are not out of the woods by any means. The "honeymoon" period typically lasts for about two weeks and they early babies tend to get a little tired out and need some more assistance. Zoe and Sawyer seem to be a little more tired today, but that is to be expected - they are working very hard.

Thanks for your continued support and prayers.


Mary Ann Odegaard said...

Good to get the update. Glad the babies are getting along ok - and hope you are too. It is amazing what the NICU nurses do eveyday,, isn't it! I remember the stress of hanging out there when my son Jonathan was born only 6 weeks early, but with pneumonia. Don't underestimate how tiring it is for you....have massages, steam baths, naps, etc.

Thinking of you all,
Mary Ann O.

Pam Montgomery said...

We know it isn't just the babies who are tuckered out and who are working hard. Zoe and Sawyer are certainly pushed from the physical side as are Mom and Dad who then also have to add in the emotional trauma. And Margo, you're still recovering from the birth and dealing with all the new Mom hormones! And easing back into work, too. Holy cats! Know that we wrap you in love and offer all the strenth we can to both of you and the babes. Love, Uncle Pat and Pam

Angela said...

Hi Margo. I'm Angela with Children's Hospital; I met you at the Cleveland HEAL meeting about a month ago. My heart went out to you and Neil when I heard that the twins came early. My prayers are with you, your husband, and your little ones. Thanks for keeping us updated with this blog. Hang in there!


Unknown said...

I only just got this address but Pam and Janet have been keeping me informed. You 4 have been almost constantly on the front of my mind. You 2 are so strong that I find it hard to believe that ill could come to you. I hope and wish for the very best, with love to you all. Phil Holt.

Gregg & Marcia said...

Congratulations on the twins. We just got the blog today but will be watching for news as time goes by. After I finish this, I will be adding Zoe and Sawyer's name into the family tree software and putting their pictures on the fridge next to Mason's.

Thinking of the four of you,
Love Uncle Gregg (now great uncle) and Aunt Marcia (now great aunt)

Anonymous said...

Your whole family is working hard to get through this time. We're proud of Zoe and Sawyer and proud of you, Neil and Margo, as well.
You are all going through a lot.
Hang in there.
Our prayers continue.
Lots of love,
Jon and Chris (uncle & aunt)

Charlie said...

Sounds like my future deckhands are putting up the good fight!

Hang in there, dear ones, there are many battles to be won.

Charlie and Chris