Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Step Backward

Sorry it has been a week since our last post! We know folks are anxiously awaiting an update. After an encouraging week, Zoe started struggling a bit more on her breathing and requiring more oxygen support. She was having more events where her oxygen saturation level was below where they like to see it. The doctors really wanted to keep her off the ventilator and tried hard to do so, but unfortunately, she just needed a vacation from all of her hard work on CPAP. They reintubated her on Sunday morning. At this point in the game, it was very hard to see her put back on the ventilator since it feels like a huge step backward. But I think we all have to remember that she is still 6 weeks away from her original due date so her lungs are just really immature still. She needs energy and time to grow and the ventilator should help her do that. They hope to take her off as soon as she starts showing signs of progress. This could be a week or a couple of weeks - depends on her. She has been gaining weight more now that she is on the ventilator and weighs 3 lbs. 4 oz. now. She is putting her energy into getting bigger instead of breathing so that is a good thing. She is still her lively, adorable, and inquisitive self and we just hope that her lungs repair themselves so she can be taken off the ventilator for good.


Charlotte said...

Margo and Neil - I continue to be amazed by your strength and positive attitude. To Zoe: Keep on growing those lungs and getting bigger and stronger. We love you.

Ric Cochrane said...

Zoe: Now look, don't push things. Your parents are pretty active and so you probably are genetically inclined to push your cardiovascular fitness, but take it easy! You might never again have the opportunity to just lie round all day. Get a book and relax! Have you read Rumi? Seems quite popular here in India. I'll pick up a copy and bring it to you in July. Keep fighting, beautiful. Love, Uncle Ric

Pam Montgomery said...

Upping the level of thoughts to the Universe once again -- Janet, more pansies! Zoe -- you just grow, girl, and keep that lung tissue coming. Every ounce you gain is partially that sweet tissue you need to breathe on your own. Margo and Neil -- you are in our hearts; please know that we think you are incredible role models of living in the moment. You take it as it comes and always see the possiblities. Much love, Uncle Pat and Pam

Tante Janet said...

You three are awe-inspiring with your strong will, your courage and your sunshine! Yes, pansies and begonias going in this time because, Zoe, you have persevered and made awesome progress. love you all!

Christina McDonald said...

When you mentioned that Zoe is still 6 weeks away from her original due date, it seems to put everything into perspective. If she was in your womb she'd not be breathing independently so it seems logical that she isn't now. Sounds like putting on more weight will give her more strength. I'm sending visions of Zoe breathing normally without support and in your loving arms.
much love,

Mike_Barbara said...

Don't think of this as a step backward, just think of it as another step. Little pieces at a time. Just like when you walk, your right foot can't always be in the forefront, it has to move to the back in order for the motion to produce any forward movement. Keep your spirits up. From what I read she is a miracle baby. God Bless.

Pam Montgomery said...

Zoe -- you stay warm in your little condo and let your body continue to develop -- it is snowing again in the mountains of Colorado. Mom and Dad -- time to tell Zoe about weather and what fun waits for her when she gets to play in puddles and tromp through the snow! Love to all, Uncle Pat and Pam

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the continuing updates. All three of you are inspiring.

Unknown said...

Margo and Neil, I am late in getting on board with these updates. I seem to be on at least a 2 week lag in finding things out in recent months with ongoing computer probs. So sorry! Please know that Tayler and I send you and Zoe much love, strength, and power for this journey, that by all acounts has been extraordinary. Love, Cousins Michelle and Tayler Rae

Rachel Allen said...

I am thinking of you guys and so appreciative of all the updates. Grow Zoe go. Can't wait to meet her!