Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Zoe has really surprised us all in the past few days. Last week, we were really just sort of maintaining and not making a ton of progress and this week, things look really promising. On Friday, the doctor decided to take her off of vapotherm, even though she wasn't doing great. We needed to start getting her to take her feeds orally because some babies can have a really tough time learning if they don't practice before 42 weeks. She went on the nasal canula on Friday and is still on the canual, gradually being weaned down on her oxygen. She is also taking most of her feeds orally, either by breastfeeding or by bottle. She is a champ at eating! It does take a lot of energy out of her, so we need to monitor it so she doesn't do too much.

At this point, she is a feeder-grower. Neil and I never thought we would get here. It has been 97 days and we finally are able to see the end. Because of our experience with the NICU, we are trying to be cautiously optimistic, because she can obviously still have setbacks, but that is difficult, if not impossible. We will keep you all posted as her progress pushes us closer to home.


SMT said...

Cannot wait! Get your cute butt home Zoe. Keep up the good work and let's get you out of there...

Charlotte said...

Keep up the good work, Zoe - Being home will be so much more fun. Thanks for all the pictures, Margo and Neil. She is adorable.

Pam Montgomery said...

97 days . . . into an amazing life journey. For all of you. She is just too cute!! Keep up the chowing down, Zoe. We're thrilled with the progress. Loving you all, Uncle Pat and Pam

erin said...

She'll be stealing your station wagon and taking it for joy rides before you know it! I'm so happy you all have made it this far as well!